
Web Presence

Web presence is not a new concept - it has been discussed in the scholarly literature for decades now…For example, Debaty & Caswell (2001) spoke to creating and implementing a uniform web presence architecture.  And Mohorovicic, S. (2013) spoke to implementing responsive web design. I also reviewed two papers looking at the requirements to establish a web presence for both small and large...
A screenshot of a slideshare ppt on inquiry based learning

Video-Based Modeling used for Learning and Transfer

Introduction The paper “Effects of creating video-based modeling examples on learning and transfer” by Hoogerheide et al (2014) focused on an experiment to evaluate example-based learning from three different perspectives.  The authors identify this instructional technique as being studied from both the cognitive perspective as well as the social-cognitive perspective, also known as social...
21st century framework

No matter which century….

So many questions to answer and so little time...I’ll focus on one.  In looking at the Framework for 21st Century Learning in the Battelle for Kids program, I’m not sure I see a significant change over the past several decades, although that could be perceived as an opinion, given I don’t have similar documentation to review from that time frame. The reason for my statement is that the...
Rain Vortex indoor waterfall at Singapore's Jewel Changi international airport.

PLN Musings continued

While I have a Twitter account, I don't tweet - I just don't find that medium to be to my liking and I rarely find anything useful there.  So I'll share my reflections on the two articles here...I truly resonated with Cormier’s blog post - the reference to plants through the mycelium has excellent symbolism for any network and suggests a sharing that is not defined by any boundaries.  I could...
a graphic of the LEAD Effectiveness graphic


Introduction The article “Comparing the Effectiveness of Classroom and Online Learning” by Ya Ni (2013) focused on comparing the effectiveness of two distinct delivery methods, a topic not dissimilar to the report by the Department of Education (2010).  Unlike that report, which was a statistical meta-analysis of several different platforms and approaches, this study focused on the analysis...
The DOL logo

Online Learning in Practice (2010)

I reviewed this document both as a Federal Government employee, immersed in the various standards that have been passed to encourage performance and evaluation as well as an online instructor.  For example, why would the Dept of Ed be interested in sponsoring this?  As many will recall from their civics classes, although the President suggests a budget, only Congress has the power to authorize...
Table 1 in Biro's article

Should Gamification Be Considered the Fifth Learning Theory

Introduction   I found Biro’s Table of The Comparison of Learning Theories as I was looking for articles on gamification.  In that article, Biro boldly proposes that gamification should be considered as the fifth learning theory accompanying the current primary theories of behaviorist, cognitivist, constructivist, and connectivist.  Note that I say primary since there are several schools...
Google Doodle on Labor Day

Welcome to my garden!

Why does a domain of one’s own matter?  Why indeed?   On this Labor Day, 2020, I’m sharing the Google Doodle, showing of all things, the labor we invest in building things.  Like domains.  Presence.  Community.  Perspective. Certainly from a marketing perspective, one could argue that it’s far more important than you think...It’s space that you own, with metrics and Search Engine...

Musings on Learning Theory

Ally’s article provided “implications for online learning” related to each theory. Discuss whether there are distinct needs in an online learning environment that aren’t equally necessary in the classroom; provide examples to validate your conclusion. Truly, any of these questions could be addressed as a thesis so I apologize in advance for my lack of brevity!   I was drawn to review...
a series of 3 mobius strips

Reflections On My Philosophy of Teaching and Learning

I’ve used a Mobius strip for my website logo.  Why a Mobius strip?  It’s intended to show that learning is infinite.  I learn to teach and I teach to learn.  Since my teaching niche is focused on adults - both formally in the classroom as well as in the workplace - I may not be teaching the youth of the future, but I am teaching those that still have a significant ability to make a...