2024_01 Week 5 Reflections

This module can seem a bit arcane to some – why are we even discussing misinformation in a course that is supposed to be focused on risk management.  And we’re playing games – what’s up with that!  In our digital world, gamification has become a very common education technique –  I have used Duolingo to practice Spanish, which is heavily based on gamification. One gets immediate...

Thinking about logos…

My initials are CCC so I decided that I wanted something around ccubed as a domain site.  Unfortunately, that was taken, but ccubedlearning was not.  Since this site is serving to share my portfolio with others, I thought I'd start with the domain name as a logo.  The obvious choice is to go with a cubish approach...I used Hatchful to generate some free ideas and this was one of them.  I...