
Closing the books on our photography assignment…at least for now

As you might have gathered, I love to play with photography.  I'm still learning the mechanics of my camera and based on some courses I took in 2015, I don't shoot with "auto", but with the camera set at P for programming.  I also have the settings set to take multiple pictures at a time as needed.  I find that my greatest challenge is in getting the focus that I want, especially since I like...

Get this AI Photo Editor for Free and Stop Wasting Time on Manual Processing

An article from my husband...I haven't tried the tool yet We live such hectic lives that there’s hardly ever any time to stop and appreciate the beauty around us (let alone take a picture of it). Even if you do manage to carve out a little photography time, … View the article. View the article + more on Flipboard. Find your favorite topics on Flipboard. Download here. What tools have you used...

Feeling Pixelated

My cousin is a far more accomplished photographer than I so I reached out for some guidance on how to choose my MP for each of my assignments.  Mind you, she shoots in raw format since she sells her photographs.  I have a DSLR and tend to shoot more for fun.  My pictures will most likely have no relevance at all to my final project! She shared the following thoughts...I'm still working thru...

Thinking about logos…

My initials are CCC so I decided that I wanted something around ccubed as a domain site.  Unfortunately, that was taken, but ccubedlearning was not.  Since this site is serving to share my portfolio with others, I thought I'd start with the domain name as a logo.  The obvious choice is to go with a cubish approach...I used Hatchful to generate some free ideas and this was one of them.  I...