2024_01 Week 7 Reflections

Class, First a couple of teacher confessions: Emily found an error in the midterm test that’s been there since I first developed it in 2022.  And I couldn’t find it so this is clearly an example of a blind spot. Ironically, it was the question on bias.  I’ll be making minor adjustments in the gradebook (.33 points, I believe) to add points to everyone who has submitted their quiz to date....

2024_01 Week 4 Reflections

While I like all of our discussion board assignments (or I wouldn’t include them), the discussion on accessibility is always one of my favorites.  Should we talk about the potential for bias here 😊 This topic always reminds me to focus on how I can improve my skills in communicating with others.  It’s also a recognition that our own communications needs can change over time.  My 93 yo...

2024_01 Week 3 Reflections

This is the week where students review both FEMA's Whole Community approach and Amanda Ripley's video on her book "The Unthinkable".  I often wonder if students see the connection between these two assignments.  While the Whole Community approach is about preparedness and "The Unthinkable" is about response, there is still an element of community for those who must react to the immediate...

2024_01 Week 1 Reflections

Each semester provides an opportunity for new students to share their perspectives on a old document and this semester is no different. One of the new topics discussed this week raised a question on the interaction between risk communication and activism - something we haven't explored before in this class.  In a quick search, I found a few interesting articles - the one that caught my attention...

2023 Fall Week 12 Reflections – Peer Feedback

Thanks to those of you who were willing to go on the peer review assignment journey with me - This is one of the exercises that I continue to modify.  The course used to have people review the presentations AFTER they were submitted, and I feel that this approach misses the opportunity for students to learn from others as well as submit a better work product.  If we connect this exercise with...

2023 Fall Week 11 Reflections – Discussion on Climate Change

I find last week’s topic on climate change to be fascinating from the risk perception/risk communication/risk appetite perspective. Climate change is a great example of an extended risk as opposed to an immediate risk.  I’m not sure I see the difference in how people prepare for natural disasters in their own communities vice how we prepare for something that has much more of an extended...

2023 Fall Week 10 reflections – the conundrum around risk matrices!

Can you believe it's almost time for Thanksgiving?  Wow, this semester has flown by... Week 10 is one of my favorite risk communication topics – the conundrum around risk matrices! I’ve mentioned this in several individual comments, but it bears repeating as a class comment. The consequence table (as well as the likelihood table) can absolutely be modified to reflect the size of your...

2023 Fall reflections on Weeks 6 and 7 Discussion Board/Hypothesis Assignments: Introduction to AI in the course

Class, Nice work as you work through these modules.  As always, I enjoyed reading your perspectives. Not being a user of social media myself, I often wonder if I’m at risk because I’m not “keeping up” with crowdsourcing. For me, I find that social media is like the dementors in Harry Potter, and I certainly don’t have time to have the life sucked out of me anytime soon.  I also...

2023 Fall Week 3 thoughts

This is the week where students review both FEMA's Whole Community approach and Amanda Ripley's video on her book "The Unthinkable".  I wonder if students see the connection between those two products.  While the Whole Community approach is about preparedness and "The Unthinkable" is about response, there is still an element of community for those who must react to the immediate situation. ...